Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Two Elements of Aging

  • Stereotypes-
    • Definition: positive or negative attitudes and beliefs about an entire group of people
      • Stereotypes reflect generalizations about the whole social category and not beliefs about specific individuals within that category
    • Examples: 
      • Older people are cranky
      • Older people are weak and frail
      • Older people are not able to use technology
  • Discrimination
    • Definition: behavior that limits a person's opportunities due to the social category to which the person belong 
      • Discrimination is based on stereotypes
    • Example:
      • Not hiring a person because you believe they don't have the necessary technological skills simply because they are older
      • A company forcing an older person to retire
        • More information about forced retirement can be found here.
        • In forced retirement, a company essentially fires an older employee while allowing the employee to formally retire with their retirement benefits

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